This week’s photo challenge was to show a picture of the world through my eyes. I would like to think that every time I post a picture on this blog, I actually share with you the world through my eyes. So instead of showing a random picture, I thought about posting a picture of the two most important things I need to actually see the world. First of all, my glasses without which I would not see anything. In addition to that, my camera which I use to process what I see around me. It is interesting how photography has changed the way I perceive the world. Even, or especially when I don’t have my camera with me, I stop and wonder how I could frame a certain subject of interest to get a decent shot. You start discerning patterns in a big chaos and you see the beauty of certain colour combinations where others just walk by. This really slows down your daily life and could be considered a special form of meditation.
I hope you enjoy this picture. In a way, it is a “how to do” of looking at the world through my eyes.