Every time a photographer gets tired of taking the same old and boring pictures of landmarks and postcard motives, he tries to think of ways to find other motifs. One way to do so is by engaging in street photography.
As I am used to quite harsh laws concerning personal rights in Switzerland (which is a good thing, btw), I normally don’t do a lot of street photography. When I do it, I try to hide the faces so that the persons depicted on the picture are not recognisable. This might be another approach to street photography than most other photographers would take, but it works fine for me and especially for the pictures I wanted to show you. I didn’t want people to be the center of attention, but rather the whole scene in which they are embedded.
The narrow streets and old and slowly decaying buildings of La Ciotat and Aix-en-Provence were more than enough to engage me in a little session of street photography. I hope you like it!